Object is Meditation and Poetry

Object is Meditation and Poetry / 2015

An exhibition marking the 250th anniversary of the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig (HGB) in cooperation with the GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts and the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig
2nd April – 28th June 2015 in the GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts, Leipzig

The formation and the development of the GRASSI MAK is closely tied to the history of the academy and its earlier emphasis on the applied arts. Within the scope of the exhibition “2.5.0. – Object is Meditation and Poetry…” the newly structured permanent collection from 2007 to 2012 will become the site of a reunification of the applied and fine arts, questioning at same time the existing division between the two. Curatorial interventions, additions and eliminations as well as pointedly placed works from alumni, professors, students and international partners of the HGB, will transform our accustomed perceptions. The focus of these works and interventions is on the exhibited cult and everyday objects, fashion and design trends and their epistemic function within the fragmented narrative of the museum.

Photos by Sascha Herrmann, Alba D’Urbano/Nicolas Reichelt, Karola Bauer, Alba D’Urbano/Tina Bara