Vivanco, Diego

Elogio de lo desconocido-Hombre en caja / 2010

(Praise of the unknown – man in box)



It’s about unknowing.
It’s about understanding und exploring the behavior of the Bilbao citizens.
City where I was born. City which I don’t feel the same in as before.
Being a voyeur. Doing a Safari of my own species.

Freesculptures / 2010


Project in collaboration with Benjamin Bernard.
Free disposal of sculptures with possibility of movement.

ich unterdessen du (I, meanwhile, you) / 2009/2010


Two receipts. The same product. The same supermarket.
Three months of difference. Six cents more.
Like a processual way of work, I bought a packet of milk every week, this situation just gave to me, after a period of time, the chance to see that all is connected. A kind of diary. The events that happen in spite of what I do.
So, if it is like this only in my area, what could be happening at the same time in yours and in relation with mine?



do it now / 2009

Wir Gallery, Berlin

The post-it as a pixel.
„Do it now“ as a contradiction of the main use of the post-it.
The time spent, the paradox.


Diego Vivanco

*1988 in Bilbao, Spain


2011 „Cartes Postales“ Exhibition. Goethe Institut. Lyon. (FR)
2011  Publication in V-Magazin. Munich.(GER)
2011 „Ertibil 2011“ Sala Rekalde. Bilbao.(ES)
2010 „Inmersiones 2010“ Amárica Gallery, Vitoria(ES)
2010 „Land in Sicht“ R 4.4 HGB_Leipzig (GER)
2010 „Chain of Fools“ HGB Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig
2009 „Audiovisuals 09“ BBVA Gallery, Bilbao (ES)
2009 „CUE“ WIR Gallery, Berlin (GER)
2008 „MontePego 09“ Fivars Gallery, Alicante/Paris (ES/FR)
