Waniek, Angelika

Der Materialvorrat (subjektiv und objektiv) / 2010

The main subject of the twenty minute spoken performance is the wide theme of narration itself. Angelika Waniek provides a supply of stories in regards to the theme of work. Unemployment in reference to the normative concept of worth. The adopted form complies with that of a direct experience: she herself works as a honorary lecturer at the job centre and gives seminars for the activation and orientation of recipients of unemployment benefits ALG I and ALG II. The direct confrontation with people who see a chance of returning to work with this active method of employment policy, has provided her with many variations of possible realities; of people without work, their worries and their thoughts. This compiled supply was extended to social, philosophical and scientific thoughts on the theme of worth. Conceptual strategy: Through the medium of speech, as a means of presenting the work, and in the consequent disuse of the presentation possibilities already present in the room, the possibility of an image development will be released in that its definition will not be dependant on the medium rather on the recipient. The breaks within the spoken text and in the train of thought are intentionally set. However instead of the word break, association would be more precise; an image adjoins another image, a theme permits the speaking of another.

Der Materialvorrat (subjektiv und objektiv)

video still from the documentation of the performance

Die Gehaltsfrage  (The Question of Salary) / 2009

Video / 4:45 min

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Die Erde, politisch / 2009

HD-Video / Loop / 55:31 min

(© Angelika Waniek 2007)

Maps serve as means of information. They show spatial interrelations. The artist blacks out the individual nations of the current political world map with a pen. Her approach is target oriented and only once all nations on the map are black her work is done. The image which emerges is frightening, the process succinct. The narrative within the video is surprising, because it plays on the viewerÕs ideas of good and evil.

Karten (Cards) / 2007

HD-Video / Loop / 55:44 min

Calmly and seemingly unconcerned, a woman builds a house of cards on a table top. Implicit in the action are the reoccurring collapses and new beginnings.

„Karten“ is a video work, that shows the act of construction and collapse of a house of cards. The act of building always has the possibility of destruction. Through the actions taken by the actress in the video, in this case the artist herself, a story is developed which happens in a situation of minimal suspense. Perhaps it is because the aim and approach can almost not be agreed upon. The artist strives for something too large, and what she achieves is too unstable. Nevertheless, she always starts from the beginning.

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Brot / 2006

Video, 4:48min

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*1975 in Bad Mergentheim
