Alba D’Urbano / Works


Installation, Ufo-Galerie, Halle 2009



Videostill, 2009

Videostill, 2009

The work alludes to Andy Warhol’s first underground experimental movie “Sleep”, dating from 1963, and makes conceptual references to Francisco de Goya’s famous etching “The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters”. The fundamental question that lies in Goya’s title, whether the “absence” of reason or the dream of perfect reason produce more harm, is represented in the video by the polarisation of two opposed forms of masculinity. War and peace, inside and outside are presented on the same platform.

With a distanced, ironic gaze the piece explores the issue of gender construction and suggests associations to current religious wars, without ignoring the subliminal erotic charge and fascination of combat.

Camera: Carsten Möller and Alba D‘Urbano
Performer: Nicolas Reichelt

La nascita di Venere

Installation, Stadtgalerie Kiel 2004

With the “Birth of Venus” of the work’s Italian title, Alba D’Urbano directs our attention toward the hour of birth of art and of the artist respectively. The reference to the goddess Venus as the symbol of beauty alludes to the centuries-old tradition within occidental cultural history which regarded the concept of art as existing in close connection with the ideal of beauty. Artists were trained at the art academies to comply with this artistic ideal. With the paradigm change occurring in the early 20th century, both the goals of art and the position of the artist were redefined. In recent years, Alba D’Urbano has been preoccupied with the effects of this shift within contemporary art activities, and with the displacements of artistic practices within current system of display and presentation. In this context, the focus is on the so-called “new media” within the processes of communication and art, but also on the teaching of art.

Installation, Lindenau Museum, Altenburg, 2003